Email Font Compatibility
As you may have noticed, there are a lot less fonts available in the new editor than there was in the old editor.
While configuring the new editor, we decided to review and improve compatibility of the editor for email clients since that is the primary use of this editor.
In doing so Insala reviewed the use of fonts and found out that a number of fonts existed in the old editor that no one ever used and were not necessary as they were all symbol fonts; furthermore the new editor has a section specific for “symbols” that does not necessitate the knowledge of which key maps to what symbol.
In addition, we found a number of fonts that were on the old editor that would not be considered Email fonts. These are fonts that are operating system or vendor specific.. for example Calibri is a Window/Microsoft Office font, this font while the default in MS Word doesn’t exist on any operating system on which MS Word is not installed and maybe not even then in the case of Macs, and definitely NOT in the case of iPhone or android.
So using a font like Calibri may look very good in word and it may look good if you paste it in the editor BUT it may look nothing like what you planned when the end user, on a system that doesn’t have the font, opens the email to see the content.
As such we have reduced the number of fonts available by default; however we have not removed the ability to add other fonts; if you paste from word and the document font is Calibri then a small warning will be shown to warn you that your email may not be compatible with all clients.
Finding non standard fonts.
For this, you will need to look at the code and you can search for the word “font-family:” this should let you identify all the fonts used on the page and you can change if or remove them if you want.
The standard fonts are:
Advanced Font handling
Any font not on this list may not be displayed for the user if their system doesn’t have that font.
There are ways to get around this by using a list of fonts in order to display and alternater fonts
Font-family: calibri
font-family: calibri, arial,sans serif;
This would first look for Calibri, then for Arial, then for any “sans serif’ font.