To find someone within the search portal you can use either 'Quick Search' or 'Advanced Search.' Quick Search is a keyword-based search method. Enter a keyword such as First Name, Last Name, Country, Job Title, or Company to receive results based on the search criteria you enter. If you do not see results based on the information you enter, such as when entering 'United States,' try using an alternate reference like 'USA' to receive more results.
Tip: You can type the first or last name of someone you wish to find in the search bar and a list of suggested searches will pop up. Select any of these to search for the person if desired.
With 'Advanced Search' you can enter information into several fields to find people. Click on 'More Fields' to increase the number of fields you can to search by. You can also select 'Match All' at the bottom right of the search fields screen to search by all fields you enter data into or select 'Match Any' to have your search results return with any criteria you use.