The Career Learning Plan is a tool that stores your goals/objectives that you desire to achieve during a partnership.
When you meet for the first time:
- Discuss what you are trying to accomplish and be open to feedback in formalizing the goal(s) and develop actions to take to complete the goal(s)
- Enter your SMART goal(s) into the learning plan after your first meeting
- Notify your coach/mentor when your goal(s) are entered so that they can review and provide any additional support that is needed
Your Learning Plan has been filled out. Here are your next steps:
- Once your goal(s) are in the portal, these can be actively reviewed throughout your partnership. Every time you meet, make sure to review your goal(s) so that you have a meeting outline on the progress
- Your goal(s) can be reviewed and edited as needed. You can also discuss the challenges you face towards meeting the goal(s) and what are some of the best ways to overcome these challenges
- By the end of your relationship, your goal(s) should be done